Easy Read: Quit Smoking
This is an easy-read guide about Quitting Smoking. It was made by the NHS and can be downloaded or printed.
This is an easy-read guide about Quitting Smoking. It was made by the NHS and can be downloaded or printed.
This is an easy-read guide about Attendance Allowance. It was made by the UK Government and can be downloaded or printed.
Support Organisations and Helplines Many organisations offer helplines, text support and online help for mental health and other conditions or circumstances where people may need support. Samaritans Call 116 123Visit samaritans.orgText ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 Tyneside Mind Support Line Call 0191 477 4545 (8 am to 10 pm)Visit tynesidemind.org.uk Newcastle Crisis Team Call 0191 814 8899 … Continued
An easy-read guide from the General Medical Council about going to the Doctor.
An easy-read guide from the NHS to help you stop smoking.
Just a Minute: Making it Easy for People with Hidden Disabilities to Ask for Patience Just. A. Minute. That is what JAM Card stands for and that is what it gives you – just as much time and patience as you need in public or social situations. JAM Card allows people with a hidden disability … Continued
An easy-read guide from the NHS about accessing your health records.
This easy-read guide tells you about having a health check.
An easy-read guide from MacMillan Cancer Support about a health test for women aged 25 to 64.
An easy-read guide from MacMillan Cancer Support about breast care and screening.